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ATLCGA Board of Directors

  • Stephanie More, Independent
  • Chris MacAulay, Eastward Energy
  • Donald Richard, Locate Management Institute
  • Craig Arbeau, Brunswick Pipeline
  • Craig McClintock, Independent
  • Todd Scott, Independent
  • Scott Boudreau, Eastward Energy
  • Christopher Davis, Halifax Regional Municipality

ATLCGA Executive

  • Chair, Scott Boudreau

    Scott is the Manager of Operations, & CNG at Eastward Energy where he oversees the safe operation and delivery of natural gas to homes and businesses throughout Nova Scotia. A mining engineer by training, Scott spent the first decade of his career in the mining industry working in the Oil Sands in various roles.

    Scott returned home to Nova Scotia in 2015 with his young family to take a role with Eastward Energy. In addition to being involved with the ATLCGA, he is also the Chair of the CGA Damage Prevention Committee.  Scott is passionate about employee safety and process improvement.

  • Vice-Chair, Stephanie More

  • Administrator, Christine Hollett

    • Treasurer,  Donald Richard   

    Donald develops and implements education and training for the Locating and Ground Disturbance (Excavation) industries.

    He collaborates with subject matter experts, locators, facility owners and IT professionals to build and deliver education, training, and assessment of Locators. Donald continues to be instrumental in the development of Locator competencies, standards, education and training courses, and assessment and certification programs in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.

    He played a key role in the development of, and continues to maintain, the Underground Facility Locator (UFL) Field Task Competency Manual endorsed by CAPULC.

    Donald is active in and serves in vary capacities within industry associations:

    • Atlantic Canada Common Ground Alliance (ATLCGA) – Executive Board Member (Treasurer) and member of the Best Practices Committee
    • Canadian Association of Pipeline and Utility Locating Contractors (CAPULC) - Co-chair of Education and Standards Committee
    • Canadian Common Ground Alliance (CCGA) – Past-Chair and current member of the Best Practices Committee
      • Past-Chair, Chris MacAulay

      • Locate Notification Board Representative, Christopher Davis

      Chris has worked for municipal governments in utilities and construction management for over 15 years. He joined the City of Dieppe while studying civil engineering at Université de Moncton and later Dalhousie University; working as a summer student inspecting water, sewer, and natural gas installations, and locating municipal infrastructure in advance of new gas main construction.

      After graduation, Chris joined Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) as Right of Way Engineer, and later became the manager of the department. As manager, Chris leads a team of technical and support staff who review and approve permits for on-street utility construction, as well as the team of inspectors who manage these sites through the construction and reinstatement phases. 

      HRM has the distinction of being the 1st municipal member of Info-Excavation in Nova Scotia. This is thanks to Chris’s efforts to ensure the municipality is leading the way in the best practices for damage prevention in the province. It is through this work that he became involved with the ATLCGA. He now sits on the ATLCGA and Info-Excavation Boards of Directors.

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